序號 | 中文 (Chinese) | 英文 (English) |
1 | 印花稅應稅憑證 | Taxable Documents for Stamp Tax |
2 | 銀錢收據 | Receipts for Monetary Payment |
3 | 買賣動產契據 | Deeds for Sale of Movables |
4 | 承攬契據 | Contracting Agreements |
5 | 典賣契據 | Contracts for Sale |
6 | 讓受契據 | Contracts for Transfer |
7 | 分割不動產契據 | Contracts for Partition of Real Estate |
8 | 貼花 | Stamp Affixed |
9 | 註銷 | Stamp Cancelled |
10 | 揭下重用 | Removed for Reuse |
11 | 彙總繳納 | Paid by Filing a Collective Tax Return |