Bilingual Glossary
No | 中文 (Chinese) | 英文 (English) |
1 | 營業用 | For Business Use |
2 | 總層數 | The Total Number of Floors of the Building |
3 | 應繳未繳 | Non-payment of Tax Due |
4 | 課稅資料 | Taxable Data |
5 | 構造 | Structure |
6 | 毀損面積 | The Area which was Destroyed |
7 | 起造人 | The Builder |
8 | 移轉當期 | The Current Period within which the Building is Transferred |
9 | 面積 | Area |
10 | 屋頂游泳池加價 | Added Value for a Swimming Pool on the Roof |
11 | 建造執照 | Construction License |
12 | 非住家非營業用 | A Building Used for Non-residential and Non-business Purposes |
13 | 房屋現值 | The Current Value of a House |
14 | 房屋標準價格 | The Standard Value of a House |
15 | 房屋所有人 | House-owner |
16 | 房屋高度 | Height of the House |
17 | 延不申請使用執照 | A Delay in Applying for the Issuance of a Usage License |
18 | 夾層 | A Double Layer |
19 | 使用執照 | Usage License |
20 | 因而發生漏稅 | Results in Tax Evasion |