Bilingual Glossary
No | 中文 (Chinese) | 英文 (English) |
41 | 合法登記之工廠 | Duly-Registered Factory |
42 | 申報日期 | Date of Declaration |
43 | 未辦所有權登記之實際所有人 | The Actual Owner of which Property is Unregistered |
44 | 用途 | Usage of the Building |
45 | 卡序 | Numeric Card |
46 | 未滿一個月不計 | A Period of Less Than One Month is Rounded off |
47 | 不堪居住 | Uninhabitable |
48 | 房屋稅 | House Tax |
49 | 已辦登記之所有權人 | The Registered Owner of the Property |
50 | 怠報金 | Non-reporting Surcharge |
51 | 變更起造人 | A Change in the Name Of the Builder |
52 | 契稅申報日 | The Starting Date for Filing of Deed Tax |
53 | 契價 | The Value of a Deed |
54 | 契稅 | Deed Tax |
55 | 補照 | Anew Issue License |
56 | 換照 | Change License |
57 | 註銷 | Revoke |
58 | 過戶 | Transfer Vehicle Ownership |
59 | 報廢 | Vehicle Scrapped |
60 | 復駛 | Revert Drive |