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序號 中文 (Chinese) 英文 (English)
21 復查 Recheck
22 訴願 Administrative Appeal
23 行政訴訟 Administrative proceedings
24 行政救濟 Administrative relief
25 確定 Confirmation
26 行政處分 Administrative sanction
27 娛樂稅 Amusement Tax
28 娛樂稅代徵人 The collecting agents of amusement tax
29 技藝表演 Acrobatics Show
30 競技比賽 Competitions of Skill and Other Contests
31 其他提供娛樂設施 Others That Provide Facilities for Recreation or Entertainment
32 公益慈善演出 A Show for Public Interest and Charity
33 代徵娛樂稅 Amusement Tax Collection by an Agent
34 代徵獎勵金 Reward for a Tax Collecting Agent
35 使用牌照稅 Vehicle License Tax
36 交通工具 Transportation Equipment
37 汽缸總排氣量 Total Cylinder Displacement Volume
38 裝配之交通工具 Assembled Transportation Equipment
39 供身心障礙者使用之交通工具 Transportation Equipment Used Exclusively by a Mentally or Physically Disabled Person Who Carries a Mental/Physical Disability card Issued by the Competent Authorities
40 移用使用牌照 Vehicle License Removed for use on Another Vehicle