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序號 中文 (Chinese) 英文 (English)
1 累進起點地價 Starting Cumulative Value (SCV)
2 申報地價 Declaration of the Land Value
3 公告地價 The announced land values
4 公共設施保留地 Land Reserved for Public Facilities
5 直系親屬 Direct Blood Relative
6 旁系親屬 collateral relatives by blood
7 都市土地 Urban Land
8 非都市土地 Non-urban Land
9 供公共使用 For Public Use
10 工業用地 Industrial Land
11 空地 Vacant Lot
12 公有土地 Public Land
13 私有土地 Private Land
14 參與分配 Participate in the Distribution of the Proceeds From the Court-enforced Sale of a Property
15 稅捐保全 Tax Safeguards
16 禁止財產處分 Prohibited From the Disposal of Property
17 限制出境 Restriction on Leaving the ROC
18 強制執行 Compulsory Execution
19 債權憑證 Certificate of the Obligatory Claim
20 稅捐法定主義 Principle of Taxation Under the Law